Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Snow Snow Snow

I know, it's a lame excuse for a title. Someone emailed me the other day, I don't know who he is...but he told me to update my blog. Tsk tsk. Well...tsk tsk yourself buddy! I had technical difficulties cause my nephew Pat decided to download AIM on my computer....I don't really like what AIM does to the computer. It seems to always screw it up. so I reinstalled the OS after I got the blue screen of death. I got Panda now, so I think I'm pretty safe from now on. It just stinks cause I had a bunch of ITunes songs and bookmarks and all that....bummer.
Church this sunday was to exciting. The sermon was on Joshua 5:10-15, where he crosses the Jordan river. No turning back! Yeehaw! Sometimes the translation is real difficult for me to find meaning. Basically, once they cross the Jordan, they don't have to eat Mana anymore. Now they eat the fruit of the land. Then the commander of the Lord's army comes and tells Joshua the he's there to fight his battles for him. God is there to fight your battles with you.
Faith is an amazing thing...I wish I had more of it. I have plenty to do today and don't really feel like chronicaling it right now...so ta ta.